How Long is God of War Ragnarok?

How Long is God of War Ragnarok
How Long is God of War Ragnarok

God of War Ragnarok is a game with a lot of content, how long is god of war ragnarok is perfect for different types of players. Whether you want to just follow the story or do everything, there’s something for everyone. On average, it takes 20 to 30 hours for the main story, with extra content adding more time. How long it takes depends on how you play.

  1. Introduction
    • What is God of War Ragnarok?
    • Why is it important to know how long the game is?
  2. What Affects Game Length?
    • Things that can make a game longer or shorter
    • Difference between finishing just the main story and doing everything in the game
  3. How Long is the Main Story?
    • Average time to finish just the main story
    • What can change the time it takes to finish the main story?
  4. Side Quests and Extra Stuff
    • What are side quests, and why do they add more time to the game?
    • How long do side quests take?
  5. Exploring and Finding Collectibles
    • How exploring adds to the time you spend playing
    • What collectibles are and how they affect game length
  6. How Difficulty Affects Game Time
    • The different difficulty levels you can choose from
    • How harder difficulties make the game longer
  7. Playing Everything in the Game
    • What does it mean to do everything in the game?
    • How long it takes to do a full playthrough
  8. Comparing to Other Games
    • How long is God of War Ragnarok compared to other games in the series?
    • How the game lengths have changed over time
  9. What Players Say About Game Length
    • What do players think about how long the game is?
    • Common things that affect how long players spend on the game
  10. Playing Again and Again
    • Does the game make you want to play it more than once?
    • Things that make the game fun to play again
  11. Updates and How They Affect Game Time
    • How updates can change the time you spend on the game
    • Notable updates that made the game longer or shorter
  12. Speedrunning
    • What is speedrunning and how does it change the time you play the game?
    • Fastest times recorded for God of War Ragnarok
  13. Tips to Enjoy the Game More
    • How to get the most fun out of your playthrough
    • Balancing story and exploring
  14. Conclusion
    • Recap of main points
    • Final thoughts on how long the game is
  15. FAQs
    • How long does it take to beat God of War Ragnarok?
    • What is the longest part of the game?
    • Is God of War Ragnarok worth playing multiple times?
    • How much time should I set aside for doing everything in the game?
    • Does playing on a harder difficulty make the game a lot longer?

How Long is God of War Ragnarok?

how old is atreus in god of war ragnarok
how old is atreus in god of war ragnarok

God of War Ragnarok is a popular game where players follow the story of Kratos and his son Atreus. Many people want to know how long it takes to finish this game. Knowing this can help players decide how much time they need to set aside to enjoy the game.

What Affects Game Length?

Several things can make a game longer or shorter. This includes the main story, side quests, and how much exploring you do. Some players like to finish just the main story, while others want to do everything the game offers.

How Long is God of War Ragnarok Main Story?

If you only focus on the main story, it usually takes about 20 to 30 hours to finish God of War Ragnarok. This time can change based on how fast you play and how much you already know about the game.

Side Quests and Extra Stuff

Side quests are optional missions you can do in the game. These can add more hours to your playtime. If you decide to do some side quests, you can add about 10 to 15 hours to your total playtime.

Exploring and Finding Collectibles

Exploring the game world and finding hidden items, called collectibles, can also add more time. Some players like to take their time and explore everything, which can add 10 hours or more to their playthrough.

How Long is God of War Ragnarok Difficulty Affects Game Time

God of War Ragnarok has different difficulty levels. If you choose a harder difficulty, it will take longer to finish the game because enemies are tougher. On the hardest difficulty, the game might take 5 to 10 hours more to complete.

Playing Everything in the Game

If you want to do everything in the game, like completing all missions and finding all items, it will take much longer. A full playthrough can take around 50 to 60 hours or more, depending on how much you explore.

Comparing to Other Games

Compared to the previous God of War game from 2018, God of War Ragnarok is longer. The last game took about 20 to 25 hours for the main story and 40 hours if you did everything. Ragnarok has more content, making it longer to complete.

What Players Say About Game Length

Players have different opinions about how long God of War Ragnarok is. Some think it’s just right and worth the money, while others feel it’s a bit too long. Most players agree that the game has a good amount of content, and the story is engaging.

Playing Again and Again

Many players like to replay God of War Ragnarok. The game offers multiple difficulty levels and a New Game+ mode, which lets you start the game again with all your gear and abilities. This makes it fun to play more than once.

Updates and How They Affect Game Time

Since the game’s release, several updates have been made that can change the length of the game. Sometimes new content is added, or bugs are fixed, which might make the game longer or shorter.


Some players enjoy speedrunning, which means finishing the game as fast as possible. In God of War Ragnarok, speedrunners have completed the game in under 5 hours, using tricks and shortcuts to save time.

Tips to Enjoy the Game More

To make the most of your time in God of War Ragnarok, try to balance between following the main story and exploring. Don’t rush through the game; take time to enjoy the side quests and explore the beautiful world.


  1. How Long is God of War Ragnarok??
    It takes about 20 to 30 hours to finish the main story of God of War Ragnarok.
  2. What is the longest part of the game?
    The longest part is usually completing all the side quests and finding all the collectibles.
  3. Is God of War Ragnarok worth playing multiple times?
    Yes, the game is worth playing more than once because of its great story and different difficulty levels.
  4. How much time should I set aside for doing everything in the game?
    If you want to do everything, it can take around 50 to 60 hours or more.
  5. Does playing on a harder difficulty make the game a lot longer?
    Yes, playing on a harder difficulty can add 5 to 10 hours to your playtime because the enemies are tougher.

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